Photography Review Best web site for Digital Camera Reviews.
Most comprehensive and in depth reviews around. They also
review some lenses. If you want to buy a digital camera
you would be smart to read the reviews here. |
Rob Galbraith Online Another good
review site. This site has the most comprehensive CF
card database with speed performance tested for individual
cameras. CF Card Databas |
The Luminous Landscape
This is a a comprehensive site that contains a wealth of information.
It includes Product Reviews, Software Reviews, Tutorials,
and an Understanding Series that explains various photographic
I highly recommend visiting this site if you would like to learn
more about the ins and outs of digital or film photography.
Camera Resource Page
Under the reviews and info pull down menu this site has the most
up to date and best camera feature search section in my opinion.
If you know what feartures you want in a camera, come to this
site and plug them into the feature search section. This site
is usually one of the first sites to post reviews on new cameras.
The reviews are well done and easy to get through. |
Steve's Digicams Excellent
web site for Digital Camera Reviews. Reviews are less
comprehensive, but shorter and easier to get through. Other
peripherals are also reviewed here including printers.
fredmiranda.com Some great articles
here comparing canon lenses. Also Fred has some very inexpensive
Photoshop Plugins and Actions. His actions for sharpening and
reducing noise in your photos are two that I have purchases and
often use. He also has a great gallery of shots from his
members. |
Another good review site. They also have a Best Digital
Camera section that is separated into various categories.
If you are having trouble selecting which digital camera is best
for you. I recommend checking out this site for some help. |
Photo.net is the largest
general photography community on the web. This site is a great
resources for individuals interested in learning about photography.
There is a terrific gallery section where you can view photos
and get ideas, or upload your own photos for free and ask for
feedback. |